”So will you have seggs now? ”

All of them ignored what Raff said and continue cheering for Ivette ’s victory. Even Aldred was speechless by Raff ’s desperation to tie the knot.

”Raff, ” Aldred called. ”Ivette is part of the family now. ”

That translated to: I will do that later, big bro. Don ’t you worry.

Raff understood the cue because Aldred ’s emotion was connected to him. And he also realized that he was a bit hasty even though Aldred already accepted his sister.

Mira caressed Aldred ’s head. ”You did a good thing. I am so proud of you. ”

One way to encourage people to keep doing good deeds was to praise and rewards them. And they deserved to be praised and rewarded for their deeds. And so she whispered; ”I will make you feel good tonight. ”

Aldred trembled in excitement. Mira was usually shy in bed, but now she planned to make him feel good? He wondered what she would do tonight.

Mira giggled when she saw his reaction. ”But don ’t extort people again, okay? ”

”That ’s not extortion, but a small payment. ”

”You take all of their treasures and gold coins. ”

”A small price for their valuable life, ” Aldred said.

Sophia nodded in agreement.

Mira sighed. Maybe she should be satisfied with Aldred not killing them.

If she knew that Aldred killed some of them, and their leader, Mira might continue to talk about it with him. But Aldred did not think she needed to know that. He did not want Mira to worry too much.

’I would never become a loose monster anyway. I will be a monster with full control of my power. ’

As Aldred relaxed with Mary, Mareona, Mira, Sophia, and Ivette, a large group of people started climbing up and then they built a tower structure at a certain spot.

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