data-pw-mobi= ”leaderboard_atf ”>

As usual, he did his practice slowly.
Other than the years in university, he had been practicing this set of swordplay for more than a decade.
He had reached the highest level where his moves were natural and fluid.

‘Good morning, Host!’

‘Host, I’m here again!’

‘Yay! You’re practicing with the sword again.

‘I’m new here.
Can I ask if you’re subduing monsters with your sword? What is the content of your livestream?’

‘This place is really beautiful.
It’s green everywhere, and I’m so envious.’

‘I feel at peace whenever I watch the webcaster practice with his sword.
It’s so bizarre.’

The comments piled up during the time Ning Fei practiced with his sword.

Ning Fei wielded his sword slowly, and his movements were precise.
His every move seemed to have some peculiar magical power.
Occasionally, he would move swiftly, and his actions seemed strong and forceful.
He also exuded aggressiveness and charm.

Ten minutes later, Ning Fei completed his practice.
He knew that he would have a number of viewers by now, so he switched the camera view back to his phone.

He waved at the phone and said cheerfully, “Hello, dear viewers.
Good morning! Today, I plan to bring everyone to visit the magical tree in our mountains.
I hope all of you will like it.”

The comments shot up instantaneously and furiously when he appeared on the screen.

‘Hi, Host! You’re so beautiful when you wield the sword!’

‘My goodness, this webcaster is too handsome!’


He looks as if he has just walked out from an ancient painting.’


Why do I see so many people trying to fight with me for my hubby?’


‘I can’t believe this.
This outdoor webcaster has amassed so many female fans?’

‘Everyone, be rational.
I reckon that there are few who can be as good-looking as me and the webcaster.’ 


‘Hello, you on top.
Are you kidding me?’


Ning Fei chuckled in helpless amusement when he saw the viewers bickering.

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He walked out of the temple with the drone circling the air above him.

Even though the families lived a distance away from each other, they would often drop by for a visit.
So after a day, news of the little priest with his drone had spread to the entire village.
No one was surprised to hear that though.

“Good morning, Aunt Liu.”

“Hello, Ning Fei.
Have you eaten? I made bread yesterday.
I’ll go get some for you.”

“Aunt Liu, it’s fine.
I’ve eaten.” Ning Fei smiled warmly at her.

The houses were all scattered around the village.
There was a large stretch of flat land that housed several families.
It was also the biggest place where people gathered in Taishan village.
There were more than twenty families living in a row.
The village head also lived here.

Ning Fei had to pass by this stretch of land to reach the magical tree.

As Ning Fei strode on the path, he would occasionally check the comments.
Having the drone was a good idea as he didn’t have to hold the tripod with a hand like some other webcasters.
His movements weren’t restricted, and the background and scenery wouldn’t be cut off.

There was an uptick in comments at this time.

‘Webcaster! Why is there a flock of ducks blocking your way?’

‘Indeed! Why are the five ducks not moving?’

‘Now that you’ve mentioned it, what’s wrong with those ducks?’

Ning Fei read the comments and was confused.
He raised his head and realized that the five ducks were sitting in the middle of the path.
They were all quacking in the direction of a family.

“Oh, these are Uncle Wang’s ducks.
They are waiting for Uncle Li’s ducks to go swimming together,” Ning Fei answered cheerfully.

The moment the words left his lips, the comments shot up like flames.

‘What the hell? Ducks waiting for other ducks? Webcaster, are you joking?’

‘Did my ears fail me? Ducks from two households could still make an appointment to go swimming together?’ 


‘This webcaster has spun such a convincing story.’

‘Are you for real? Are ducks that affectionate?’ 

Ning Fei seemed helpless when everyone raised their doubts.
He simply said, “Then let’s wait for a while, and everyone can see them.

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“This happens every day.
The flock of ducks who come out first would wait outside their house for the other group.
They also come back together.
Uncle Li’s ducks would go back to their own house, while Uncle Wang’s ducks would go back to him.”


Curiosity filled the viewers at Ning Fei’s explanation.

Was this real or a joke?

Why did it sound as though he was writing a novel?


The scene depicted reminded everyone of their childhood, where they would call out to their companions or friends to come out and play outside.

Amidst the suspicions and doubt, the door of a house flung open.
Just as expected, five ducks came waddling towards the direction of the other ducks as they quacked loudly.

The ducks who had been waiting for some time quacked loudly back.
Then, the 10 ducks huddled together closely and waddled towards Ning Fei.

“Everyone, did you see that? This flock of ducks really does this.
If everyone is interested, I can show you how they come home in the afternoon,” Ning Fei said casually, as though he had seen this a thousand times.

This scene was undoubtedly novel and bizarre to the viewers.

A flock of ducks waiting for another flock? Did ducks really resemble humans in that sense?

‘Dear me.
I’ve learned something new today.
Bravo, Host!’

‘Splendid! I’ve gained new knowledge!’ 

‘So many strange and fun things happen to this webcaster.
Yesterday, he met dogs fighting, and today, he chanced upon ducks who go swimming together.

‘Time to send rewards!’

‘Brothers! Let’s subscribe to this webcaster.
He is truly a good and unpretentious one!’

Everyone typed frantically and excitedly.

The ducks waddled past Ning Fei noisily and got further away.

Ning Fei continued on his way.

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