but today she was even more so.

It was almost too much.

It’s not just Mai.

No, it was not only Mai.
Even the new student was more aggressive than usual.

Maybe she, too, had gathered up her courage knowing the goodbye was near.

I understand.
I have no choice but to forgive her.”

“Hmph, thank you, ne.”

>Anego’s being a big sister, huh?

>Hey, is this Anego an imposter?

>I always like this beautiful Anego.

“Ahahaha, what are you talking about? I’m always the sweetest sister, aren’t I? I’m always smart, literate, a good wife, a wise mother, and a good housekeeper aren’t I, sister?”

>Oh, she’s back to my usual anego.

>Please give me back my beautiful Anego.

>Anego is popular with same-sex people, but she doesn’t seem to be popular with the opposite sex w

“Hey, Kora! I’ve always been irresistible! I’m always popular with the opposite sex! If you’re here to watch this stream, then you’re really in love with me, aren’t you, ne?”

>No, not at all…

>I’m worried about causing an accident

>I’m looking for Iroha-chan

“Hey! Oh, it’s okay, you’re going to say that? Hmmm.
By the way, how many chocolates did you guys get today?”



>Stop! Don’t ask that question!!!!

“By the way, how many, Iroha?”


“Look, I’ll keep this between us! Just whisper into the microphone.

“Everyone can hear you! What? Well, okay.
I’ll just whisper it into the mic.
I mean, how many?”


>I don’t remember Iroha accepting gifts.

>Iroha is a womanizer.

“I don’t accept gifts from viewers.
I’m not in an environment where I can check the contents.
All gifts come from friends and VTubers I know.”

You have more than me.”

“Oh, there are a lot of VTubers from overseas who want to experience Japanese events.
So we send each other chocolates.”

“…Is that okay? Oh, aren’t Ogu angry? She’s pretty knowledgeable about events in Japan, so she was enthusiastic about preparing it.”

“Oh, why?”

>…This is the furious wife www

>Iroha, call me when you’re done streaming (US)

>She’s here!

I don’t know why Angu-ogu got so mad at me after the stream…

Also, Ah-nee, don’t ever cook again.
Don’t make me eat what you cook.


And so the last event of the elementary school was over.

In March, the day finally came.

—The graduation ceremony had arrived.

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